Avenue football

Goals Leicester, Wakerley Road, LE5 4WJ

We play men's football (teenagers included) twice a month on a Saturday morning, 9am-10am @ Goals Leicester (address below) & would love you to join us! It's usually anywhere from […]

2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10 – “An eternal glory”

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "We don't lose heart in the […]

November family meeting

Avenue Primary School

The Avenue family meeting is our monthly opportunity to come together to discuss and pray about our life and mission together as a church family. Meeting at Avenue Primary School - Sunday 6pm-7.30pm.

Women’s Tuesday Group


What does it look like to live as a citizen of the kingdom of God? Come and have a seat at the mountainside to find out! If you want to dig deep into God's word in loving community with other women from Avenue, come along this term on Tuesday mornings as we study the Sermon […]

Midlands Men’s Convention

Cornerstone Church, Nottingham Cornerstone Church, 90 Castle Blvd, Nottingham

Words matter. God speaks creation into being and then speaks commands to the people he has made. The ten commandments are, literally, the ten words. The incarnation was the Word […]

2 Corinthians 5:11-6:2 – The good news of reconciliation

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "God has reconciled us to himself in Christ and now commits to us the message of reconciliation." Children in primary school will meet in the smaller hall from 11am for games, […]

Women’s Tuesday Group


What does it look like to live as a citizen of the kingdom of God? Come and have a seat at the mountainside to find out! If you want to dig deep into God's word in loving community with other women from Avenue, come along this term on Tuesday mornings as we study the Sermon […]

Avenue football

Goals Leicester, Wakerley Road, LE5 4WJ

We play men's football (teenagers included) twice a month on a Saturday morning, 9am-10am @ Goals Leicester (address below) & would love you to join us! It's usually anywhere from […]

2 Corinthians 6:3-13 – “Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing”

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "Paul shares his hardships with us as a model of the normal Christian life." Children in primary school will meet in the smaller hall from 11am for games, songs and Bible […]

Women’s Tuesday Group


What does it look like to live as a citizen of the kingdom of God? Come and have a seat at the mountainside to find out! If you want to dig deep into God's word in loving community with other women from Avenue, come along this term on Tuesday mornings as we study the Sermon […]

2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 – The call to holiness

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "To enjoy intimacy with the holy God, God calls us to be holy and set apart for him." Children in primary school will meet in the smaller hall from 11am for […]

Women’s Tuesday Group


What does it look like to live as a citizen of the kingdom of God? Come and have a seat at the mountainside to find out! If you want to dig deep into God's word in loving community with other women from Avenue, come along this term on Tuesday mornings as we study the Sermon […]


Homegroups exist at Avenue to help us listen to and live out God’s word in our life together. 

We encourage everyone at Avenue to be part of a Homegroup.

Hello Students

You are an integral part of our church family; everything that we do is done with you in mind. We consider you part of the family: worshipping, learning and serving alongside everyone else.