Psalm 122 – Set your hearts on things above

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "To keep going in the Christian life, we need to regularly worship God together, pray for one another, and remind one another of our future home." Children in primary school will […]

July family meeting

Knighton Free Church building, Brinsmead Road Brinsmead road, Leicester

The Avenue family meeting is our monthly opportunity to come together to discuss and pray about our life and mission together as a church family. Meeting at Knighton Free Church building on Brinsmead Road - 7.30pm-9.00pm.

Psalm 123 – Fix your eyes upon Jesus

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "The Christian life may look weak and unimpressive, because it is a life of service of the God who first loved us and serves us in Christ." This is an all-age […]

Psalm 124 – If God is for us, who can be against us?

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "We praise the Lord, because he rescued us from the dominion of darkness when we could not save ourselves." This is an all-age service, so everyone stays together.  A creche is […]

Psalm 125 – Steadfast

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "We can experience real peace and security in this fallen world, because evil will not last forever, while God's love for his people will last forever." This is an all-age service, […]

After service picnic at Victoria Park

Victoria Park

This week we are (weather permitting) having a picnic at Victoria Park after the Sunday morning service. Please bring food and drink (and a picnic blanket if you can) to enjoy fellowship together.

Psalm 126 – Longing for home

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "The Christian life is one of "sowing with tears" - investing in the future by trusting the Lord in the midst of the pain of the present." This is an all-age […]

Psalm 127 – “Unless the LORD builds the house…”

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5) This is an all-age service, so everyone stays […]

Psalm 128 – The life of blessing

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "The God of the Bible is a God committed to blessing his people - therefore, our labour in the Lord is never in vain." This is an all-age service, so everyone […]

Picnic at Victoria Park

Victoria Park

This week we are (weather permitting) having a picnic on the school field at Victoria park after the Sunday morning service. Please bring food and drink (and a picnic blanket if you can) to enjoy fellowship together.

Psalm 129 – “Deliver us from evil”

Avenue Primary School

Our weekly Sunday gathering as a church family. Meeting 10.30am-12pm for worship, prayer and hearing from God's word together. Theme of the service - "The right response to evil and persecution is to take our experiences to the Lord in prayer and ask him to do what is right." This is an all-age service, so […]

September Family Meeting

Avenue Primary School

The Avenue family meeting is our monthly opportunity to come together to discuss and pray about our life and mission together as a church family. Meeting at Avenue Primary School - Sunday 6pm-7.30pm.


Homegroups exist at Avenue to help us listen to and live out God’s word in our life together. 

We encourage everyone at Avenue to be part of a Homegroup.

Hello Students

You are an integral part of our church family; everything that we do is done with you in mind. We consider you part of the family: worshipping, learning and serving alongside everyone else.